International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 8, Issue - 34, January 2018
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A PID controller parameter tuning method based on improved PSO

Shuyue Wu


Proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers have been used for industrial processes for long, and PID tuning has been a field of active research for a long time. An interactive, evolution, particle swarm optimization (IEPSO) algorithm was proposed based on linear weight decrease particle swarm optimization (LWDPSO) and stochastic particle swarm optimization (SPSO). The particle swarm was divided into two groups that is standard PSO and SPSO employed for global search and local search respectively. Parallel variables were dynamically adapted according to the evolution stage. The simulations proved that the IEPSO had better performance than LWDPSO and SPSO-PID controller tuning test proved IEPSO had the better control effect than Ziegler-Nichols,LWDPSO and SPSO.


IEPSO, PSO, PID, Fitness, Tuning, Punitive measures.

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