International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 8, Issue - 35, March 2018
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Arabic root extraction using a hybrid technique

Hayel Khafajeh, Nidal Yousef and Mahmoud Abdeldeen


Root extraction is one of the main text operations conducted by converting the conflation into its root. This process aims to overcome the morphological richness problem of the Arabic language. Root extraction gives a valuable support to many natural language processing applications such as information retrieval, machine translation, and text-summarizing applications. In this research, a hybrid technique to extract Arabic word roots has been developed. The proposed technique depends on optimization function, which is the enhancing process performed by playing a set of non-morphological rules to enhance the n-gram technique. The proposed technique is tested using a dataset containing more than 6000 distinguished words belonging to 141 different roots. The results show a marked improvement after using the hybrid method, the proposed technique extracts correctly about 99% of tripartite strong roots and about 86% of tripartite vowels roots.


Arabic root extraction, Natural language processing, Hybrid technique, Similarity.

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