International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 8, Issue - 35, March 2018
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Spatial distribution analysis of unigrams and bigrams of hindi literary document

Sifatullah Siddiqi


In this paper the spatial distribution analysis of a very famous Hindi literary document “Godan” authored by the great novelist Munshi Premchand has been presented. We have attempted to perform a thorough and comprehensive spatial distribution analysis of different kinds of words (unigram) and word pairs (bigrams) in the document. Single words have been divided into stop words, keywords and non-keywords while word pairs have been divided into stop-phrases, key phrases and non-key phrases. Our proposition is that the nature of the spatial distribution pattern of different types of unigrams and bigrams in the text is different and there is a significant similarity between spatial distribution patterns for the unigrams and bigrams of same type. In this paper, we have selected a lot of example words from the text and generated their spatial distribution graphs to prove our assertion.


Stop words, Keywords, Key phrase, Spatial distribution analysis, Hindi.

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