International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR) ISSN (P): 2249-7277 ISSN (O): 2277-7970 Vol - 9, Issue - 42, May 2019
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A comprehensive study of process calculi with routing tables

Priyanka Gupta and Manish Gaur


In this paper, we have described the research carried out in formal modeling of distributed networks in a process algebraic framework. The extended version of asynchronous distributed π-calculus named as routing calculi, 〖DR〗_π^(ω )and DRπ were the one of the significant developments towards modeling the distributed computer network using the router as an active component and considering the path of communication between the communicating nodes where a routing table is a dynamic entity in a typical distributed network. In formal modeling, the routing tables was updated upon creation of the new node in the network, but already existing entries in the routing table remain unchanged. We have done a comprehensive study of previous year's research in this area on the basis of which we derive our motivation with an intention to extend the existing routing calculi 〖DR〗_π^(ω ) to incorporate the dynamic updates of the routing table through the distance routing protocol. It has adaptive features based upon the network parameter changes. This model is closer to the real networks. These calculi are primarily considered as a metric to determine the quality of services (QoS).


Routing calculi, Process calculi, π-calculus, Routing protocols.

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Gupta P, Gaur M


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