International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN (P): 2394-5443 ISSN (O): 2394-7454 Vol - 9, Issue - 92, July 2022
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Monitoring volcanic activity of Barren Island, India using multi-sensor and thermal remote sensing

A. Rajani and S. Varadarajan


The usage of thermal remote sensing to perceive active volcanoes is relatively a new approach. Volcanic activity is always present when heat is transferred from the Earth's surface layer into the air. This thermal anomaly may be perceived using remote sensing and which is a quick approach to detect volcanic activity. Active volcanoes are detected using satellite thermal data, which is also used to anticipate eruptions and display drifts and forms at the time of eruption disasters. The goal of this study is to keep track on India's only stravo-volcano, Barren Island volcano (BIV), which has been active since 1991 with reference to thermal activity. The BIV's land surface temperature (LST) is monitored using Landsat 8 thermal infrared (TIR) data to detect eruptions and track thermal activity. When clear images of Landsat 8 are not possible during an eruption, Sentinel-2 data is used to identify volcanic eruption features like, lava flow, ash plume, and direction of lava flow from the cinder cone by visual interpretation. For the development of global volcanic monitoring, it is critical to combine different satellite data. Based on numerous satellite data and observations, BIV activity was studied throughout the active period from January, 2017 to March, 2021. Here, the two eruptive phases of January-March, 2017 and September, 2018 to January, 2019 were considered. Middle infrared observation of volcanic activity (MIROVA) system estimates volcanic radiative power (VRP) using moderate resolution imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor data and radiant flues of the volcanoes have been presented in the web resource This database was utilized by the current research work to validate LST estimated by using a mono-window algorithm based on Landsat 8 data. In addition to that, thermal anomaly in the form of fire pixel temperature values was estimated and made available to public in national aeronautics and space administration’s (NASA) fire information for resource management system (FIRMS) database. The temperature data which is available in the NASA's FIRMS was used to compare estimated LST values at the study location BIV using high spatial resolution Landsat 8 data. FIRMS uses visible infrared imaging radiometer suite–band 14 (VIIRS-14) sensor data to estimate fire pixels temperature values. Suomi national polar-orbiting partnership (NPP) spacecraft of NASA and national oceanic and atmospheric administration-20 (NOAA-20) spacecraft carry VIIRS sensor. Finally, morphological changes and thermal deviations in topical eruptive episodes of the BIV were deliberated using multi-sensor, multi-temporal and multi-resolution data from various portions of the radio-frequency spectrum. From the results it was observed that, estimated LST values and Sentinel-2 based false colour composite (FCC) images can have the ability to predict the thermal changes occurring at active volcanoes.


Active Volcano (BIV), Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, MODIS, LST, VRP, MIROVA, VIIRS.

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Rajani A, Varadarajan S


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